Combination Threshold/Gate/Trigger/Sample/Hold Circuit

The chaos generators being developed here are of the "flow" variety. This means that the outputs are continuosly varying voltages. It is important to be able to generalize these by deriving chaotic sequences of discrete voltages and chaotic sequences of timing signals. The circuit below was designed to do just that.

One goal in designing this module was to be able to generate what are known as "Poincare sections" and "first return maps" in the jargon of chaos theory. In a driven system such as the EZ Chaos circuit, this involves producing sequences of output voltages obtained by sampling the flow signals every time the driving signal crosses a particular phase value. For autonomous systems, such as The Jerkster, it involves measuring the value of one variable every time a second one reaches a particular value.

Please note that this module may be used as a regular sample-and-hold circuit, if the sampling pulse is fed to the Timing Signal input and the signal to be sampled is fed into the Main Signal input. It also makes a great variable-threshold trigger generator.

Chaos Circuit

To demonstrate this module's operation on a chaotic system, I have made a short sound clip of it operating on the output of a ChaQuO module. The clip has four sections. The first section is the chaos circuit directly driving two VCO frequencies. For the following three sections the TGTSH was set up to sample the "x" output every time the "y" output crossed a threshold, and vice versa. Varying the thresholds changes the rate the pitches change and the range of pitches produced.

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